Precision Agriculture 2021

The Best in Precision Agriculture Technology 2021

This article was written for and published by an agricultural solutions retailer. Please note all mentions of and links to their website have been removed.

Between 2021 and 2026, the precision farming market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 12.6%. This increase is driven by an increase in the number of new technologies that are available, as well as increased adoption.

New precision agriculture technology can help farmers increase yield, decrease waster, and have more overall efficient operations. Let’s take a look at the best agriculture technology available in 2021

Field Mapping

Field mapping data is expected to grow because of the sheer number of applications it has. This technology leads to better planting, spraying, and harvesting decisions. 

Plus, it has the potential to integrate with a variety of other agricultural technologies, further increasing the benefits they provide.

Aerial Imaging

One of the ways precision agriculture is expected to grow in 2021 is through the use of aerial imaging. Satellite imaging and drones can help make issues that are hard to see from the ground more visible. This has a variety of different applications. 

It can help make crop variations easier to find. It can be used with additional precision agriculture technologies to increase the efficiency of crop management. It can also be paired with field mapping technology to create an even more synergistic approach to management.

Water Management

The occurrence of extreme weather events has risen in recent years. This can lead to serious economic damage in many industries, with the agriculture industry being particularly vulnerable. However, water management technology can help mitigate loss from these events.

Drainage systems can analyze both surface and subsurface drainage to identify more efficient operations. Grading and land forming equipment now have high accuracy. 

These tools help give people in the industry a better picture of their water management needs, which can help them better control excess water and minimize soil disturbance.

Soil Health & Sustainability 

Climate change has been at the forefront of discussions from both consumers and producers within the agriculture sector. Agriculture technology can help mitigate elements contributing to climate change. 

This is even more pertinent considering the increasing numbers of incentives for on-farm soil carbon sequestration and sustainability. Reduced tillage and the use of cover crops are simple ways in which farmers can increase soil health and fertility. 

Sustainability goals can also be met through niche production. Meanwhile, on-farm diversification is also growing due to supply chain issues in 2020.  

Smart Application

Smart application technology is an important part of precision agriculture. It can be used with other tactics previously mentioned to further mitigate elements contributing to climate change. For instance, smart nitrogen application can help with concerns over the release of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide.

Crop sensing systems and input control systems ensure that enough product is applied to meet plant needs while avoiding overapplication. This helps the environment by reducing the amount of material added to the soil. It is also more economical, as decreasing costs due to waste can help increase overall profit. 

Autonomous equipment can be used on larger scales for this as well. This type of equipment is more precise, as it reduces the possibility of human error. It also helps reduce labor in addition to the other benefits of smart application systems.

Data Management

Producers collect and analyze data for a wide variety of applications. But, traditional paper filing systems are difficult to organize and quickly look through. It is a lot easier to analyze and make informed decisions from responsive software than by coming through a hefty file cabinet. 

New data management systems can improve efficiency, reduce human error, and increase profits. Plus, these technologies can work across connected devices to sync data on crop health, work needs, and field information, among many other metrics.

Traditional data management techniques can be used to make decisions for the following year. But, new technology can help make informed decisions and adjustments within a shorter period of time, allowing one to react within the same season. 

For example, planting depth can be altered accordingly in response to immediate data about available moisture. This helps farmers produce healthier plants from the start.

Local Weather Data

Infield weather sensors can measure real-time weather data, including wind, rainfall, and temperature. They also have other features, including field-specific data and alarms for specific conditions. 

These data sensors can be combined with data management software to make better decisions. For example, spraying, harvesting, and irrigation timing windows can be chosen for when they will be the most effective. 

They also allow for one to react to immediate problems or even begin to address issues before they become even become problems. 

Yield Monitoring and Prediction Technology

Yield monitoring and prediction technologies have become quick and accurate, leading to more adoption. Farmers can find buyers, eliminate waste, and increase profits. They can also make better decisions for the following year’s variety selection.

This farming technology can map fields and compare varieties over years. It can track infield moisture content, informing decisions to store or dry crops. Plus, it can record accurate data on the amount of crops harvested and loaded.

Indoor Farming

Technology for indoor farming will not affect every farmer, but it is a growing sector. Many resources are available for startups investing in produce such as lettuce and tomatoes.

Sensors and protective cultures can make indoor and vertical farming more efficient. This can further increase its application when producing food in areas limited on space.

More Efficient Production with Precision Agriculture Technology

Technology continues to improve each year, becoming more efficient and solving more problems. As precision agriculture technology continues along this path, it can pass on a plethora of benefits to both producers and consumers. 

Take a look at the precision agriculture technology you can implement for better yields this season. 

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

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