Landscape Drainage

The Benefits of Installing a Landscape Drainage System

This article was written for a drainage supply company. Please note all mentions of and links to their website have been removed.

An adequate amount of water can help keep your landscape healthy and fresh. Your flowers will bloom and your grass will be a deep green color. But, what happens when there’s too much water in your landscape?

Frequent rain events or even snowmelt can lead to an excess amount of water. Added to poor drainage and a sloped yard, this can become a huge problem. Luckily, a well-placed landscape drainage system can provide relief.

Protect Your Home

A drainage system is key in protecting your home from excess water. Doing so will increase your home’s value because it will be structurally sound and look more attractive.

Left unchecked, water can seep into the foundation and cause it to break down. This damage is usually extensive, and therefore, very expensive to fix. Plus, it can move into and through pipes and ductwork causing more problems in your home’s interior.

Protect Your Landscape Environment

Too much water can flood plants, trees, and grass, potentially killing them. If you have to replace your landscape, it could end up being a huge cost and amount of yard work.

On the other hand, if you install an effective drainage system, you can reduce excess water and prevent the damage it causes. You could then install a lawn irrigation or sprinkler system to more accurately control how much water the plants in your landscape receive.

As water flows quickly over land, it can pick up and carry topsoil. If it moves fast enough, this can lead to serious soil erosion. Plus, it could even make channels that allow water to move even faster, further reducing the soil health in your yard.

Standing water can also cause problems as it breeds bacteria and provides a home for pests. Mosquitos breed in standing water, leading to annoyances and potential health hazards. Plus, termites are attracted to water and can lead to damage to the home.

More Livable Outdoor Spaces

If your lawn is soggy, you and your family will be less likely to want to use it. A lawn drainage system could reduce moisture and help maximize the usability of your lawn,

Drainage systems used in conjunction with hardscaped areas can have a similar effect. By removing excess water from a patio or walkway, you can reduce slip hazards. This gives you a safer area to spend time.

Less Maintenance Needs and Save Money

Finally, a drainage system can help reduce maintenance needs and save you money. Initial spending on drainage could save you from having to pump water out of certain areas later.

Plus, your landscape will be healthier and your hardscapes will be less prone to damage. Over time, you’ll need to put less work into maintaining or fixing these spaces.

Choosing a Landscape Drainage System

A landscape professional can help you choose the correct drainage system for your needs. They can also install the system, making sure it will work efficiently and giving you peace of mind.

Installing a landscape drainage system is a great idea if you live in an area with frequent rain events. You can protect your home and landscape, expand your outdoor living space, and save time and money.

Photo by todd kent on Unsplash

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